Thursday, July 9, 2009

Who let the Dawgs out?

"Yesterday I was a dawg. Today I'm a dawg. Tomorrow I'll probably still be a dawg. Sigh! There's so little hope for advancement." - Snoopy

All is still not lost I say to ye, my fellow dawgs and if you tend to agree with Mr. Snoopy Dawg, you may consider yourself as an enlightened dawg. Every dawg is allowed one bite, as the saying goes and this dawg is willing to take his chances before his dawggy day comes. We are told almost every dawg-gone day not to respond to a barking dawg but I am fed up of getting the same ol’ dawggy biscuits. So I’m no mo’ a mister nice dawg. I know, that you all will be gearing up by now to bark at me but lets just consider the Chinese saying, ”one dawg barks at something, the rest bark at him”, and that’s the way of us fellow dawgs. You may also wanna give this dawg a bad name and hang him but lately I consider myself a dawg on some days and on others I’m a hydrant. “Are you gonna bark all day little dawggy, or are you gonna bite?”, I know you must be getting impatient by now, you dawg!
Dawgs are getting bigger according to a leading dawg manufacturer and this poses a direct threat to our masters. Fortunately, our dawg-gone world is still a leaderless ground (err no, Snoop Dawg is not our leader, he is just an entertainer). So I consider this an opportunity, because if we dawgs ever take over the world, and we chose a king, we should not just go by size, because I bet there are some little dogs with some good ideas. So I remain an optimistic and a democratic dawg.
Indeed most of us dawgs don’t like to read because we cannot find time in our dawggy lives but just consider the following what is being written about us dawgs:
"Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you walked in? I think that is how dawgs spend their lives”…. "Like dawgs in a wheel, ambitious men still climb and climb, with great labor, and incessant anxiety, but never reach the top”….. "[My dawg] can bark like a congressman, fetch like an aide, beg like a press secretary and play dead like a receptionist when the phone rings"….. "The dawg is a yes-animal. Very popular with people who can't afford a yes man"….. "If you pick up a starving dawg and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dawg and a man”….. "No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dawg does”…. "I love a dawg. He does nothing for political reasons”….. "They say a reasonable amount 'o fleas is good fer a dawg -- keeps him from broodin' over bein' a dawg, mebbe"…… "You learn in this business: If you want a friend, get a dawg"….. "My dawg is usually pleased with what I do, because he is not infected with the concept of what I "should" be doing"….. "If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. The free mind is not barking dawg, to be tethered on a ten-foot chain”…. "If dawgs could talk, perhaps we would find it as hard to get along with them as we do with people"…… "A dawg is a dog except when he is facing you. Then he is Mr. Dawg"…."Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice dawggie!', till you find a rock"…."Dawgs have more love than integrity. They've been true to us, yes, but they haven't been true to themselves"…."Know yourself. Don't accept your dawg's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful"….."One reason a dawg is such a lovable creature is his tail wags instead of his tongue"….."My goal in life is to become as wonderful as my dawg thinks I am"….. “Happiness to a dawg is what lies on the other side of a door”….”Like a dawg, he hunts in dreams”…..”It is the way of a dawg that if he is hit by a stone, he bites a fellow dawg”….. “Our dawgs will love and admire the meanest of us, and feed our colossal vanity with their uncritical homage"…… “If a dawg's prayers were answered, bones would rain from the sky”…..”Money makes dawgs dance”……."When a man's dawg turns against hime, it is time for his wife to pack her trunk and go home to momma"…."Every boy who has a dawg should also have a mother, so the dawg can be fed regularly”.
Awww, my poor little dawggies, did I made you cry? This is degrading, you must be saying, afterall dawgs are people too. I know that from a fellow dawg's point of view, his master is an elongated and abnormally cunning dawg but our masters don’t know yet that a dawg wags his tail, not for them, but for their bread. “Beware of a silent dawg”, I say to you. Yes indeed, we are told repeatedly that is a dawg-eat-dawg world out there but actually dawg does not eat dawg, remember that.
I know there are some good dawgs of all sizes out there and one barking dawg sets the whole street barking. Till now, our masters have only heard our “yelp” but now the time is at hand that they should hear our growl as well.
"Life is like a dawg sled team. If you ain't the lead dawg, the scenery never changes." - Lewis Grizzard

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