Friday, July 17, 2009

America as I see it

Recently much has been written on America’s role in Pakistan’s politics. One school of thought in Pakistan suggests that America should stop its interference and withdraw is forces from Afghanistan immediately. These people point to American policies of past and suggest America cannot be trusted. This argument has some truth in it and same was admitted by Mrs. Clinton during her various discussions at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee meetings. The other school sides itself with Mr. Obama and his promise for change. These people are forward looking and are willing to let go of the troubled past. I, on the other hand, have a slightly different perspective which I shall try to explain.

To me, America is truly a great nation not because of its economic, political or nuclear power but because of its people and for the values which they hold true. History tells us that the American nation had its share of troubles on which they had to take very painful decisions but the people of America always took decisions as dictated by their conscious and which proved them right. If we go through America’s history we will learn that they fought their independence way back when the British were still trying to establish their hold on the Indian subcontinent. The proclamation of Fist Amendment and the Civil Rights Movement are just a few examples and there are many others.

One recent example of these great decisions is the election Mr. Obama for presidency. I do not praise American people for selecting the man; Obama, for his promise of change but I praise them for electing a man whose race was brought to America as slaves not so long ago. This can only happen in America. Although, our religion Islam tells us not to discriminate on the basis of color or caste but we, the Mulims, are not morally strong enough to take such a step. Obama has promised much and he may or may not make good on his promises, we the Muslims have yet to see that and so does the Americans. Still, even if Mr. Obama fails there would certainly be many many “Obamas” to come, that is what I expect of the American nation. I do not expect a smooth ride on this hopeful thought but progress of mankind has always been a two-step-forward-one-step-back process but that’s the way God works.

In the end, Mr. Obama may fail and I may get lynched for writing this but I have already decided to place my bets with the American people because they are the ones who truly understand the meaning of the words, freedom and democracy.

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